Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Anakku Sehat dengan ASI Eksklusif

ASI merupakan anugrah yang diberikan Tuhan berbentuk cairan sebagai makanan utama bayi yang diberikan sejak ia lahir yang terbukti mampu meningkatkan kecerdasan untuk sang buah hati di masa yang akan datang.

Banyak sekali manfaat yang diberkan ASI, antara lain:
1. Menjalin kontak mental dan fisik antara anak dengan ibu

2. Syarat utama seorang anak merasakan curahan kasih
sayang dan perhatian orang tuanya saat pertama kali
menikmati ASI

3. Mencegah anak kegemukan saat dewasa

4. Mencegah penyakit gizi buruk (Kwarsiorkor dan

5. Terbukti tingkat kecerdasan anak (IQ)13 poin lebih
besar daripada mereka yang minum susu formula

6. Mengandung AA/DHA yang penting untuk tumbuh kembang sempurna si buah hati

MATARAM - Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Nusa Tenggara
Barat (NTB) dalam empat bulan terakhir (Januari-April)
2009 menemukan 268 kasus gizi buruk, sebanyak 23
orang di antaranya meninggal dunia dan 63 orang
sedang dalam proses perawatan.

Kurangnya pengetahuan akan manfaat ASI banyak menimbulkan dilema ditengah masyarakat. Banyak mitos yang tidak baik mengenai ASI, padahal tidak demikian adanya. Sebaliknya, apabila kekurangan ASI dapat menyebabkan "GIZI BURUK" yaitu timbulnya penyakit Kwarsiorkor dan Marasmus.

Lantas, bagaimana dengan nasib generasi muda kita?
Untuk itu, marilah kita bersama-sama membangun kesadaran di tengah masyarakat akan pentingnya hal ini sebagai wujud kepedulian kita terhadap generasi penerus bangsa....

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A journey to be success

I was on a track which I thought it could be the very valuable part of my experience in life but I have to admit that It was a very hard way to pass and still move on its track. I have been the part of the unfair group. It should be a very creative, young, fresh and competitive part. I entered a room without any hard feeling. I was enjoy and really want to win...

Unfortunately, I had no power at all. This world is fulfilled with cruel people. They treated me such like an animal. They dropped me mentally and that was why there was a burden in my face. Actually, nothing to loose. I did not hope at all. I am still human. Treat me well and tell me if I made mistake... Don't shout at me.... You were guys not professional enough in this game. I do believe that you will not be useful for other people's life... You cannot bring impact... The good one... to others... My suggestion is please go to the One who created you and ask for forgiveness. Never do the same thing twice....

This writing is dedicated to all who involved in.....

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Banyak fakta tersembunyi lho.. Mau tahu??

Akhir-akhir ini, masalah kesehatan menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Untuk itu saya memberikan beberapa pengetahuan yang banyak dari kita masih belum sadar. Let's take a look:

- Mengkonsumsi permen Mentos Mint dan minuman Cola bersoda (Coca cola / pepsi) yang dikonsumsi bersamaan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Reaksi dari permen Mentos yang ditaruh kedalam 1,5 Liter soft drink akan menghasilkan semburan gas soda yang sangat besar. Bagaimana kalau hal tersebut terjadi di perut kita!!??

- Menghilangkan Bekas Luka Bakar Ringan, seperti kena knalpot motor panas atau wajan yang menyala adalah dengan merendam luka ke dalam air dengan suhu normal selama kira-kira 10 menit sehingga suhu di dalam meningkat sehingga bagian yang terluka segera netral. Kemudian anda bisa mengoles dengan salep khusus luka bakar secara rutin untuk menyamarkan sedikit demi sedikit luka tersebut.

- Mengkonsumsi minuman yang sudah menginap di dalam mobil dapat menyebabkan kanker

- Seorang penghisap shisha setara dengan 70 penghisap rokok biasa. Menghisap shisha = menghirup karbon monoksida (gas yang terkandung dalam asap knalpot)seperti yang dikandung 15-52 batang rokok biasa.

- Pembungkus Kertas Non Makanan (yang digunakan untuk membungkus gorengan, sayur-sayuran, kue, roti) mengandung timbal, karbon, dll. Timbal dapat berpindah ke makanan jika terkena minyak dan panas yang menyebabkan pucat bahkan kelumpuhan

- Menggunakan botol plastik secara berulang-ulang menyebabkan racun karsinogen larut bersama air dan apabila diminum dalam jangka panjang akan menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan.

- Cara menghitung berat badan normal:

Berat Badan Normal = Tinggi Badan - 100
Contoh :
Jika tinggi kita dari ujung kaki hingga ujung kepala adalah 160 cm maka berat badan normal kita adalah 160 - 100 = 60 kg.

Cara menghitung Berat Badan Ideal:

Berat Badan Ideal = (Tinggi Badan - 100) - ( 10% tinggi badan -100)

Contohnya : Jika tinggi badan kita adalah setinggi 150 cm, maka berat badan ideal kita adalah (150 - 100) - (10% x (150 - 100) = 50 - 5 = 45 kg.

- Buah yang paling cepat terkena virus melalui udara (apabila sudah dipotong) adalah semangka

Friday, March 20, 2009

I Came Very Close to Dying

Step by step I walk
people come and go
my lip is getting wider
means that I smile

second by second
minute by minute
hour by hour
standing among millions of people
our face is hopeless
the sweat keeps come out
the light turns to darkness
in that way
dying is getting closer

enduring the pain, anger and annoyance
fix it with many words
come from mind
out from tongue

many hours passed away
until we are free
just taking some fresh air to breath
the weary is covered
by the comfort
I feel fresh
since it is time to close your eyes
now the relief belongs to us

Dedicated to Re" and me

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mam

The words 'Happy Birthday'
may not be enough to show
how much we are proud of you;
how great we love;
and how deep we respect on

The words 'I Love You'
may not be enough
to represent our big attention;
our warm love;
and our care

The words 'Happy Birthday to Our Loving teacher'
may also not be enough
to admit how much time you provide
only to share with us

As we are here as your children
to love you more;
to listen at you;
and to realize how wide you influence
our lives have been

All which more than just words
could show us
how much you give your love unconditionally
then we can say:
"Happy Birthday, Mam..."

dedicated to Mam Rini S

Friday, March 13, 2009

I will

Morning is darkness
Evening will be scary
Afternoon cannot be imagined
Night, please don't take part

Tears are uncountable
every second is a prayer
Should I stop on this spot I stand?
I only ask for changing

in every dark night I bend my knees
I ask myself
where should I go for peace?
when can I get a kiss?
sun like a dead
no light, no warmth
here is cold

I go to find out protection
but, hey!!
no one cares
I'm alone
here is far away
I'm like stranger

suddenly, somebody screams:
Come to me!
Go home!
I miss you!

I think to myself
whose voice is it?
after long long thinking
then I admit I surrender
I shout:
I will
I will

How lucky we are as we are

One noon I walked around my house until my thought stopped for a while. My eyes directed at one thing. A beggar sitting down on the crossroad; holding a mini plastic bag with miserable face(hoping someone could gave him some help, may be for some money). I passed through him, looked at his eyes and so he did.

Suddenly, many things came out of my mind. I just felt being in his position. How did my heart feel? SADNESS, PAIN, HUNGER, POOR, HOPELESS, USELESS, PITY, WORST CONDITION, THIRSTY, HOT,
SICK, HURT, INSULTED.........................................
Then I pray to God :"Oh God.. Please forgive me for an mistake I've done. How I didn't thank to You. Always feel THIS is NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! Give me the best one!....but now I can see, I can fell, know, I realize How Lucky I am as I am.. I was not supposed to be other people. I am who I am as you created me with everything's perfect. Even this man should beg on other people's mercy. while I shouldn't..."

We are often seeing above us . We often feel we are not able to be great. But try to see below. Still many people there are in miserable condition. Then compare with ours and we'll find out How Great Our god is cause we we are luckier than they are. Still have hands to pray, to hold; feet to walk, to run; lips to smile, to praise, to talk; brain to think. LOOK AT THEM.. Some have physical defect, some are deaf and dumb, some have no feet to walk, some have no hands to hold...

If we realized HOW LUCKY WE ARE AS WE ARE that we are men created by Him with all luckiness. Everything is available, prepared well, fulfilled. Every single thing is PERFECT.

Thank God for your joy...

Saturday, March 7, 2009